The White Buffalo is coming...

The White Buffalo is coming...
White Buffalo Comes...

Monday, August 17, 2015

We are living in exponential times...



Bob XXX:  I got this video from a DuraXXX/XXXXXX workmate this PM.  When you view it you too may be as surprised as I was.  It is a little over 4 minutes long, but I had to watch it a second time to let it sink in as I was overwhelmed by the rapidity of change that is impacting humanity now and apparently will continue at a high rate.  In hindsight the impactful change the world is being exposed to through technology and the ability to have a type of 'instant information' is what I was trying to respond to regarding our conversations yesterday about the political climate America finds itself in today.  The traditional culture and traditional legacies, along with the traditional value systems and the traditional behavior to maintain those values is being impacted in a wave of dynamic change.  I have been opining that the ultra liberalism now surfacing at an increasing rate caused to some degree by the speed and breadth of communicative ability available from modern technology, is gaining momentum at a rate that will be difficult, or perhaps impossible, to stop.  Going back to what we know as fiscal conservatism, along with prudent and responsible behavior from our political leaders may be beyond the reach of reality with the rate of change the world is experiencing and  expecting.  We discussed the vision of the author of the book "Future Shock" that was published back in the 1960's.  One of the main premises of the book was that the rate of change from improving technologies would be so great that individual humans would have difficulty coping with that speed of change.  And that human directed systems would have to adapt so quickly and often that they would become significantly less effective.  Couple all that with an economic system that depends heavily on consumption to thrive and the dynamics of life and economic well being would be in for that "Future Shock".
From a political perspective, getting back to a governmental position of fiscal responsibility, prudent and responsible leadership, along with clear direction mutually agreed upon and common goals would be a difficult position to regain; perhaps impossible.  There is no effective plan in place for the traditional republican party's position to be regained.  America's traditional values have not been emphasized in the public school systems for well over two decades, maybe longer in some regions.  Liberalism has been well accepted by the bulk of younger society members as shown by the current positions on gay marriage, legalizing marijuana, protests against  the 1%'ers, alleged police brutality, laws mandating minimum wages, sick days, and "politically correct" language.  The Nanny state supporters are 'on a roll', and most Americans, especially those from the younger generations, seem to be willing to accept the potential loss of freedom and their independence and let the elitist political leaders lay out their life's direction.
Within this framework of ever accelerating change in technology and its impact on society which is contributing to society's reorientation of values, what I was trying to communicate is that getting back to America's traditional values using traditional political practices will be highly unlikely because of the rapid change affecting all aspects of society today.  Something will likely come about to bring change, but what direction that change goes and what the specifics of the change will be is not clear today.  Just like the video points out that the current younger generations will be dealing with gaining knowledge and working at job activities they can't as yet even visualize, I would offer that the same principles apply to the political arena as it impacts our national leaders.  If there is no clear vision as to how to achieve their goal and there is no unified support from all segments of society to achieve that goal, the fiscally conservative and traditional value leaders will have a very difficult time getting into power to make the changes we would like to see.
ps:  If you think about the impact of rapid change and the ability of humanity to "keep up", one of the ways to slow things down and get societies under control is to emphasize traditional behavior from traditional systems.  Like religion?  Wonder if ISIS has that in mind?


                             HAVE A GREAT DAY...

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